Friday, August 1, 2014

4th of July 2014
 I was Blessed to have my mom by my side celebrating one of our favorite holidays. My mom had a stroke this year one week before mothers day and we thought she was not going to make it,but as you can see in the picture below she is alive and well. She is paralyzed on the right side of her body but she is strong and says she will recoup back her movements. I do believe she can, I got my strong will and determination from her. When I was little I remember her decorating our home for every Holiday, she use to cut out heart shapes from tissue paper for Valentines, I have great memories growing up in Homestead, FLA with my parents.
Cindy bought a box full of fireworks for the boys

and here is my mom and her brother enjoying the fireworks

after the fireworks we prepared smores in the gazebo

we tried doing the smores in the chimenea but the fire did not last long

so we moved it over to the bar-b-q and that worked well

my bunt cake was also a hit

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